"Silence" is a must have. There is so much creative treasure you can discover each time you listen to it. If you are open minded and ready for a deep and emotive travel, this album is for you.
Hard Force
Following up a first critically acclaimed album, SCARLEAN unveils their new album SILENCE, that has been charged with powerful, original and emotionally charged songs. Thanks to their brand new line-up, SCARLEAN have been constantly renewing their musical universe. Ranging from rock, alternative metal tinted with electro and groovy music, their style is limitless and these 5 musicians literally break down the codes. Often nicknamed the French ''Perfect circle'', they are often compared to KORN, FAITH NO MORE, ALICE IN CHAIN, DISTURBED… Having experienced a musical scene together with MASS HYSTERIA, BUKOWSKI, L’ESPRIT DU CLAN, NO ONE IS INNOCENT, TREPALIUM, DISCONNECTED, SCARLEAN is taking off and is ready to conquer every other stage for it is on stage that SCARLEAN unleashes all of its powerful, emotional and surprising potential.
Après deux albums encensés par la critique, SCARLEAN dévoile son nouvel album « SILENCE », des compositions au charme vénéneux, puissantes, émotionnelles et originales. Avec son tout nouveau line-up, SCARLEAN n’a eu de cesse de renouveler son univers. Rock, Metal alternatif aux accents grooves et électroniques, les cinq musiciens du groupe ne se donnent aucunes limites et détruisent littéralement les codes. Souvent appelé les PERFECT CIRCLE Français, on les compare aussi à KORN, FAITH NO MORE, ALICE IN CHAIN, DISTURBED… Une identité forte et des influences absorbées. Fort d’avoir partagé la scène avec MASS HYSTERIA, BUKOWSKI, L’ESPRIT DU CLAN, NO ONE IS INNOCENT, TREPALIUM, DISCONNECTED, SCARLEAN prend son envol et entend bien conquérir toutes les scènes ! Car c’est sur scène que SCARLEAN prend tout son potentiel, puissant, émotionnel et surprenant.